Raoul Van Caenegem

Raoul Charles, Baron van Caenegem (born 14 July 1927), a Belgian historian, was a professor at the University of Ghent. In 1974, he was awarded the Francqui Prize on Human Sciences for his work on medieval history. He studied the history of continental and common law, and why they diverge so sharply. He revealed the significance of power struggles between the judiciary, legislators and legal scholars.[1]

References and Bibliography

  1. ^ Van Caenegem, R.C., Judges, Legislators and Professors, Cambridge University Press

Van Caenegem, “Foundations: c. 750-c. 1150, Government, Law & Society” in Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought, c. 350-1450, ed. J. H. Burns (Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge: 1988).

Caenegem, R. C. van. "The Birth of the English Common Law," (Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge: 1973, 2nd edition 1988).

Caenegem, R.C. van. "An Historical Introduction to Private Law," translated by D. E. L. Johnston (Cambridge U. Press, Cambridge: 1992).